Bread machine dough to be used for pizza or calzone. Floured dough ball on table ready to use.

Bread Machine Pizza Dough

* This article may contain affiliate links. I may make a small commission off of any purchases made from these links. 

   We love to make pizza at my house. The best pizza is made with homemade pizza dough. Using my bread machine for making the dough is helpful way to get that! The bread machine makes great dough every time and it’s so easy. If you don’t already have a bread machine I totally recommend it! For the best results I recommend using fresh ingredients. Also, it is important to use water that is the correct temperature, refer to your machines manual for their recommendations.


Bread Machine Pizza Dough

1 Cup plus 2 TBSP water (80degrees)   

2 TBSP olive oil

2 TBSP sugar

1 TSP salt

3 Cups bread flour

2 TSP dried granulated yeast

Add ingredients in order. Use Dough setting on bread machine.



I used these or similar items to make this recipe (affiliate links):

Bread Machine:

Bread Flour:

Kitchen Thermometer:


Olive Oil:

Measuring Cups:



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